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Life Inspired Jun 2024

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The Star's Life Inspired magazine is now brighter, better, and more energised with an all-new look. From horology to fine dining, we bring you the latest on luxury and lifestyle after the second Sunday of the month. This Fathers Day, Dr Shazril Shahruddin – a father of three, general practitioner and content creator – is an inspiration as he navigates life's challenges with grace.

Dr Shazril, 35, and his wife Dr Azura Abas have three sons aged five, three and four-months. Known as "Dr Say" by his followers on social media, he posts medical advice and talks openly about his experiences as a parent to an autistic child.

Dr Shazril says he is always in "standby mode" as his first son, who is autistic, has just been enrolled in an international school, and he needs to be prepared for major changes should the school decide that his son is not eligible to attend the school (which has no prior experience in handling autistic students).

Even with all the challenges of juggling work as a doctor, raising three children including a special child, and creating content, Dr Shazril believes in being positive, being present and simply doing his best.

He also talks about the important things he has learnt from his children, how he manages his time and for parents who have a similar experience, Dr Shazril has nuggets of wisdom to offer on parenthood. Get your definitive guide to luxe living today or read the digital replica in The Star ePaper.

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CategoryMagazines & Books

Publisher / DistributorStar Media Group Berhad

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